Friday, December 11, 2009

Love in the Kitchen Latkas

If you're longing for a latka just like Bubbie used to make, look no further than this fabulous recipe by fellow blogger, Certified Nutritionist and Holistic Lifestyle Consultant, Meghan Telpner. Meghan's "baked not fried" version uses sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes, thus amping up the health content of the traditional latka, lowering the glycemic index and increasing the fiber all in one fell swoop! Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Solstice, these super easy to make, " Love in the Kitchen Latkas" are sure to make your holiday extra special. Go to to view the recipe. Photo credit to


Meghan (Making Love In The Kitchen) said...

Thanks so much for sharing the healthier latke recipe. If you wouldn't mind, The National Post (where my recipe first appeared) and I would appreciate it if you would link to either The Post or my personal blog rather than posting the recipe. Thanks!

Deidre Merritt, N.C. said...

Hi Meghan,
Thanks so much for letting me share your recipe with my readers! I made the changes you requested and linked to your blog.

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