Monday, February 22, 2010

Finally, A Great New Pasta Alternative!

I am often asked by family, friends and clients, who are looking to reduce sugar and processed carbohydrates in their diets, what would be an alternative to to the high glycemic pasta that many eat in abundance. My answer was usually to have them try making zucchini noodles by peeling the raw vegetable, heating it in the microwave and topping with their favorite sauce. It's a great way to add more vegetables, fiber and vitamins, but for most it didn't quite scratch that pasta itch - up until now. I am so excited to have discovered this amazing pasta alternative called Shirataki Noodles, made by House Foods Corporation. Shirataki Noodles are made from blending the root of the Konnyaku (a member of the yam family) with non genetically modified soybeans. The result is a low carbohydrate, high fiber, low calorie, fat free noodle that takes on the flavor of whatever you decide to combine it with. Last week I topped the Shirataki with homemade meat sauce and fresh parmesan cheese, for a totally authentic Italian dish. Tonight I am combining the noodles with broccoli, chicken and cashews for an Asian stir-fry. These gluten free, vegan noodles come pre-cooked in 8 ounces bags and are packed in liquid, so all you need to do is give them a quick rinse and add to a hot sauce. They can be found in the refrigerated section of most grocery stores and you can see if they are available in your area by going to the House Foods site (click here). So, give Shirataki Noodles a try - would love to hear your comments!

1 comment:

Deidre Merritt, N.C. said...

Hi Jen, Thanks! I checked out your blog and it looks great - love all the photos!

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